Passivated 304 SS Counter Flow Chiller with 1.5″ Tri Clover Wort Lines – 1/2″ Water Line ( 9.5m Long)
Chill your wort down like a pro with professional 1.5″ Tri Clover fittings! Unlike plate chillers that utilize coppers great conductivity, this 6.5m fully 304 passivated stainless steel chiller can withstand high hop additions without clogging.
The chiller also has high chemical resistance unlike plate chillers and other copper immersion chillers.
Coolant Line: ID: 21mm x OD: 22mm x Length 9m;
Wort (Beer) Line: ID:11.9mm x OD12.7mm x Length 9.5m
Height: 280 mm
Diameter: 180mm